Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I would like to apologize for the poll that I have on the side due to its misleading ways...I am well aware, sadly, that all three candidates for president are liberal in their own right...or left i should say... but anyway, i just would rather see McCain than the other two because at least with him we don't have to worry about Universal Health Care and the messes that would cause...we just have to worry about crazy old men and their crazy Ted Kennedyish ideas that would be bad for the country...but with Universal Health Care, (which i don't know why i'm capitalizing because i don't feel that it is that important) the country would be well on its way to full socialist economy which would absolutely ruin us....and it would be the liberal's fault......that would be the only good part in it... but they would probably blame it on global warming or something.


z said...

Sweet, I didn’t know this was going a Political Banter Blog, SUBSCRIBED.
I think if you check in to McCain voting record in the senate for the past 10 years, I think you would be greatly surprised. He is just as liberal as Hillary on many items. Now McCain at one time was a very conservative voter, but things have changed. He was the main supported of the amnesty bill, the McCain-Feingold bill amongst others. Therefore, I asked the question, are you sure there will not be UHC with McCain? The only thing that McCain has completely different views on then Hillary is his support for the military. Therefore, due to my line of business, which is dependent on military funding, McCain is the lesser of the 3 evils. Yet, I would not be counting on a conservative administration on such items and healthcare, immigration reform, gun control, and other issues, which the typical conservative voter is concerned about.